Ducksworth. Sitting in a rare roped off area of my mind, where only the realest of real remain. The realm where I place few, I've added Ducksworth. The residents of this area get a special kind of nod from me. Those few I speak of have earned massive respect, credit and admiration from me. Luckily, I also consider most of them friends.
Ducksworth started as a label for various quality goods, but once you get into the roots of it, it becomes so much more then that. Aaron Ginsberg, creator and president has used Ducksworth as a venue to display his creative genius. At heart Ducksworth is a designer and fine artist. The most interesting thing to me is that his work says more then just cool colors and attractive designs. The stories embedded in the designs are almost more interesting then the designs themselves. Ducksworth and I have teamed up to collaborate on a few things. Keep a look out for the Ducksworth x Grey Ghost creations.